
The continent of Vesmír has three powers, each controlling their own territories. The freedom fighters of Rodina, The Imperial Therwor, and the Dynasty of The Progenies.

Your allegiance will obviously lie with your town and your nation, but Vesmír inhabits three domains, trying to grow their influence of the land. These powers do not setup towns or battle wars like the heroic adventurers but do give out their own rewards to those who aid them in their quests. Will you be loyal to one Domain, set a town to gather like-minded loyalists together, or are you just working for the highest bidder?
The choice is yours!


The brothers and sisters of Rodina are joined by their desire for a free world; free from tyranny, monarchs, and injustice. Rodina settled their camps in the thick jungle south of the Capital. From there they launch ambushes and traps against the other domains.


The Empire of Therwor has control of much of the known world, and their conquest for Vesmír started from the western shore, where overnight a great settlement was constructed and rundown fort repurposed. The empress sent her best commanders to oversee the success of the empire's newest expansion.

The Progenies

The Descendants of the people who inhabited the ancient kingdom of Vesmír have returned to bring the rightful heir on his throne. The Progenies are proud of their legacy and are determined to control the land that they claim the right for.