Rules of Server
Abridged Rules:
No sexism, Racism or other offending topics or language
No bullying, trolling or causing offence
No Sexual, Pornographic or NSFW content
No political, Religious or Sexual topics
No spamming, @-spamming or textwalling
Keep conversations in English
No advertising
Use common sense
No exploiting any loopholes or glitches
Mods word is final on every topic
Breaking these rules will lead to warning, muting, time-out or banning depending on the severity of the crime, repeats and reaction to the punishments. Always remember; everyone is here to have fun and to enjoy themselves. Ensure everyone is having fun with you and expect the same for others, as simple as that.Â
These rules will be updated as needed, but if something isn't written here, it isn't automatically allowed. Use your common sense and don't try to get around the rules!