Towny Commands

Powered by TownyAdvanced

Towny Info Commands

/towny prices - shows all the prices associated with the running of a town
/towny time - shows the time remaining until next tax/upkeep collection and Rare resource generation
/towny top residents - lists top residents
/towny top land - lists top landowners

/town  - shows your town's town screen
/town here - shows the town  screen of the town you are in
/town list - lists all towns
/town plots - lists the plots and their types/revenue which is owned by the town  
/town online - lists players from your town who are online
/town baltop - lists the richest players in a town
/town outlawlist - lists outlaws for the town
/town ranklist - lists residents and their ranks
/town allylist - lists ally towns of your town
/town enemylist - lists enemy towns of your town

/resident - shows your own resident screen
/resident tax - shows taxes you pay

/nation - shows your nation's nation screen
/nation list - lists all nations
/nation online - lists players from your nation who are online
/nation baltop - lists the richest players in a nation

Town Commands

/town new - creates a new town
/town join {} - join a public town
/town leave - leave your current town
/town add {} - add new resident to your town
/town kick {} - remove resident from you town
/town claim - claim the chunk you are standing in for the town
/town unclaim - unclaim the chunk you are standing in
/town outlaw add/remove {} - add or remove player from the towns outlaw list
/town rank add/remove {} {} - give or take away  a rank to/from a resident
/town set ________
name {name} - change the name of the town
mapcolor - change the color theme of your town
homeblock - set the homeblock of the town
mayor {} - give mayor role to another player
taxes {amount} - set the daily tax collected from all residents
(if percent taxes are enabled, this command changes the % amount)
plottax {amount} - set the daily tax collected per plot owned
/town toggle ________
open  - turn on/off public joining to your town
taxpercent - turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate
pvp - turn pvp on/off in your town
mobs - turns hostile mob spawning on/off in town

Resident Commands

/resident - shows you your resident screen
/resident friend ______
add {} - add online player to your friend list
add+ {} - add offline player to your friend list
remove {} - remove online player from your friendlist
remove+ {} - remove offline player from your friendlist
list - show your friendslist
/resident tax - shows your tax information

Plot Commands

/plot claim - claims the plot for the player, if it's on sale
/plot unclaim - unclaim the plot if you own it
/plot forsale {price}  - set the plot for sale, for given amount
/plot notforsale - remove the plot from sale
/plot evict - remove the plot from the plot owner
/plot trust add/remove {} - add/remove player to/from the list of trusted players for that plot

Nation Commands

/nation new - creates a new nation
/nation join {} - join a public nation
/nation leave - make  your town leave the current nation
/nation add {} - add new town to your nation
/nation kick {} - remove town from you nation
/nation ally add/remove {} - add or remove nation from the nation ally list
/nation ally ______
accept - accept invitation to ally from other nation
deny - deny invitation to ally from other nation
/nation enemy add/remove {} - add or remove nation from the nation enemy list
/nation rank add/remove {} {} - give or take away  a rank to/from a resident
/nation set ________
name {name} - change the name of the nation
capital {} - set the capital of the nation
king {} - give king role to another player
taxes {amount} - set the daily tax collected from all towns
/nation toggle open  - turn on/off public joining to your town