Dungeons system

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This tutorial is outdated and doesn't reflect the server

World of Vesmír has multiple dungeons across the land. Each domain has their own dungeon in their hometown. Completing these dungeons yield money, resources and even some unique items.

Dungeon Keys & Dungeon Structure

Each dungeon has three sections. The first section is opened with a Green Key, the second section with a Blue Key and the last section with a Red Key. The Green section is the easiest one and works well for new players. The difficulty ramps up in the Blue section, but so does the rewards. The Red section is definitely the hardest part with many opportunities for death, but rewards you handsomely, if you survive!

Starting a Dungeon

Every dungeon has a wall of signs next to the entrance. To play with  your friends, one of you needs to create a group by clicking one of the signs, and the rest of you need to click the sign to join that group. After that you can enter the dungeon and you will be transported to your group's lobby. While in the lobby, all players must confirm their participation by clicking the 'ready' -sign. After everyone has done that, the dungeon will start.

You will carry all the items you have on you, to the dungeon, so make sure you are wearing the armour you want and have all the foods and potions you think you'll need. Also someone needs to bring the required dungeon keys with them.

Completing a Dungeon

After reaching the end of either Green or Blue section, you are given the choice of leaving the dungeon, or using either Blue or Red key, respectively, to continue the dungeon. Leaving the dungeon will bring you back to the overworld and give you the rewards you've collected so far. Reaching the very end of the Red section you can only leave the dungeon and you get to keep all the rewards you've collected from every section.